
Hello, I’m Claire. I grew up surrounded by my father’s art that he painted in his studio, and I’ve always loved creating from an early age.

After raising a family I’ve returned to art. I’ve taken some painting classes beginning with acrylic and now I prefer to use oils as my main medium.

I enjoy painting the farmland surrounding my home in rural Victoria, Australia. However, I also love painting places that I visit. In the last couple of years I have begun to paint outdoors, en plein air and have enjoyed the challenge of capturing a moment in time, and the fleeting nature of light. 

I create art because I want to celebrate the beauty I see.

The world is so often dark and unjust, but amid the suffering there is a joy and a beauty in the natural things created by a loving God who seeks to reveal Himself to every person so that they would receive His love and acknowledge Him.

I seek to find beauty wherever I am, and my aim is to transport the viewer to that place in time where beauty is found – a shimmering ray of sunlight, seasons in change, or a pattern in the natural world.

I love being in nature to gain a higher perspective. Nature is my inspiration and the beauty I see points us to the source, to a relationship with an infinite and personal God.

recent studio work